February 10, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth was considered as a living God who felt his presence physically in the 19th century. He had very strong messages for his devotees and the world and he has lots of devotees all over the world. Swamiji had very strict messages to his disciples. Swamiji asked his disciples not to see the face of lazy person and also wanted them to sweat and toil to earn the livelihood. Swamiji was strict against the use of drugs because it derails the thinking process. He wanted his disciples to follow the Path of Righteousness (Dharma) and explained that only this path triumphed.

Special Gifts

One who looks for the Master’s company should never be mindful of shame. Swamiji used to meet the visitors on Thursdays and bless them. He used to offer them dates, sweets and sugar candy as ‘prasad’. Children used to love the sweets and Swamiji used to offers food and gifts for the poor. On special occasions like Diwali, Id, Muharram etc., Swamiji used to offer special gifts for his devotees.   During Id and Muharram Swamiji used to offers gifts to fakirs, avaliyas and others who visited him in Akkalkot. It was not Hindu’s alone who visited the Swamiji. There were many Parsees, Christians and Muslims who visited Akkalkot for the grace and favour of Swamiji.

Swamiji taught his disciples to perform all action without expecting anything in return. Working without expecting any rewards helps one lead to realisation. Swamiji has asked his devotees to have firm belief in God alone who is there in all seen and unseen objects in this world. Thinking about God and having strong belief will help one to maintain purity of the mind. Swamiji is of the opnion that the spiritual knowledge or advice should not be offered to each and every person one meets. The worth of the person you meet has to be assessed before departing with the spiritual advice and it should be given depending on the merit of the person.   According to Swamiji if one has to triumph in life you have to be engaged in practicing your Dharma.

Looking for the Great Teacher

To gain spiritual knowledge and advice you have to have a great teacher who can guide you in the right direction. Whenever one come across the apt teacher on the spiritual path try and get as much knowledge and advice from him. No master is going to share the knowledge on his own and for this the Swamiji says that no farm will yield crops on its own. When following spiritual practice when you gain spiritual powers, do not fall prey to the lure of using them to show miracles.