Shri Swami Samarth’s teachings are followed even now and for his devotees he is God. Swamiji taught that Work is Worship and he stressed the performance of material and spiritual duties. Swamiji never allowed his disciples to fudge from their duties. Swamiji is of the opinion that laziness destroys body and mind which is detrimental to all. Daily duties are very important and the duties are for sustenance and perfection of the self. Swamiji never allowed anyone to discard their goals and actions. Swamji did not want any from escaping from the duties and never allowed anyone to waste even a fraction of second.
Wasting Time
According to Swamiji one should break away from all attachments till they get the outcome of the efforts. Wasting of time is a total no for Swamiji no matter what the action is. According to Swamiji, the action can be physical or mental, but one has to get engaged some kind of activity. According to the law of karma, “reap as you sow”. The result of the action you do may be pleasant or unpleasant. It creates invisible chains of the past actions which cause countless cycles of births and deaths.
Swamiji advises his devotees to have patience is walks of life, whether it is material matter or spiritual matter. Self control needs to be there whether it is material matters or spiritual matter. According to Swamiji, one gets patience from full knowledge and faith. A farmer when planting wheat knows it is not going to sprout overnight and it takes few months to become a seedling before he can harvest the crop. Same way a plant cannot become a tree overnight. Knowing this the farmer protects and water the seedlings and plant because that is his duty. The farmer has the patience to water the plant and seedling. In the similar way, a person who is seeking spiritual knowledge needs to get engaged in his journey with patience.
Do Not Be Content
There is no space for being content when you are on a spiritual journey. You cannot expect to reach salvation in a limited time. Sometimes it may take one life time to reach the goal. Swamiji advised that one has to understand the map of his spiritual destination first. Once it is understood one has to do the sadhana energetically, constantly and meticulously till the journey is complete and the goal is achieved. It will take several life times of steady, precise and intelligent sadhana to wipe out the accrued binding vibrations for the human beings. Only God or Saints who have realised God will be able to cut these knots of the past karma instantaneously and eternal bliss.