February 10, 2025

Shri Swami Samarth who is also known as Akkalkot Swami Maharaj was an Indian Guru (Master) of the Dattatreya tradition. This great soul was widely respected all over the world. His teachings are still followed by the followers in spite of his Mahasamadhi in 1878. Swamiji taught his devotee to become good at heart and he never encouraged hatred. He wanted his disciples to love everyone and never hate others. He is one of the three successive reincarnations of Guru Dattatreya and his physical existence is dated in the 19th century AD. He had a wide following in the world because of his teachings.
Follow the Path of Truth
Swamiji always treated everybody equally and friendly and he never expected anything for his own. Swamiji always wanted his devotees to follow the path of truth, religion and justice and he taught that addiction to any bad things is always harmful to the society on the whole. During his time the Indian society had blind faiths and Swamiji’s teachings and thoughts were considered advanced. He asked his followers to build “dharmshala” all over the country. Dharmshala is a charitable institution for the accommodation of travellers and pilgrims. He also encouraged people to build wells, temples etc. Swamiji’s disciples had blind faith in him and never got upset if they did not get anything in return.
Shri Swami Samarth was a true Guru and a person who is blessed by the eternal Guru never faces failure. There are many instances where the devotee’s life has changed for good after following the advices of the Swamiji. The devotees always felt that any work started by remembering the Guru will meet success for sure. Swamiji never encouraged people to sit idle and he always advised the disciples to work hard to achieve whatever good. Shri Swami Samarth has always helped his devotees who had faith in him. Swamiji always showed the right path to attain happiness and is considered as the True Teacher or ‘Sadguru’.
Massive Power Station
According to Swamiji Mind is an massive power station and by chanting you can make it strong and stay away from bad practices. There is a lot to learn from Swamiji and patience, tenderness and truth were some of his good virtues. Swamiji never interfered in the natural rules even though he had thorough knowledge of everything. He never wanted anyone to create any violence and never believed in hurting others. Swamiji never believed in big post and big estates and advised not to trust these positions.